
Common name: Sea Squirts

Scientific name: Ascidiidae

Ascidiidae, commonly known as sea squirts, are a family of sessile marine invertebrates that fall under the class Ascidiacea. They are filter feeders, drawing in water through an incurrent siphon, filtering out plankton, and then expelling the filtered water through an excurrent siphon. Their bodies are encased in a tough tunic, which is a unique feature among tunicates. Ascidiidae are found in a variety of colors and shapes, and some species are known for their ability to form colonies. In the reef aquarium, they can be interesting additions due to their unique feeding habits and contribution to the tank's biodiversity. However, they require stable water conditions and can be sensitive to changes in water quality.

  1. Dirty Sea-squirt or European Sea Squirt (Ascidiella aspersa), Norwegian Sea, Northern Atlantic, Norway, Europe
    Common name: dirty sea-squirt
    Scientific name: Ascidiella aspersa
  2. Common name: Incandescent Sea Squirt
    Scientific name: Phallusia julinea