Invertebrates are a diverse and fascinating group of organisms that can add both functionality and aesthetic appeal to a saltwater aquarium. They include species like anemones, cephalopods, crabs, cucumbers, fan worms, lobsters, sea slugs, shrimps, snails, sponges, starfish, tridacna clams, and urchins. Each of these subcategories brings its own unique characteristics and requirements, making them interesting and sometimes challenging additions to a marine tank.
Anemones, for instance, are known for their symbiotic relationships with clownfish. They require stable water conditions and strong lighting to thrive. Cephalopods, such as octopuses and cuttlefish, are highly intelligent and fascinating but require specialized care due to their sensitivity to water quality and their escape artist tendencies. Crabs and shrimps are excellent scavengers, helping to keep the tank clean by eating detritus and algae. However, some species can be aggressive and may not be suitable for all tank mates.
Sea cucumbers and fan worms are filter feeders, playing a crucial role in maintaining water quality by filtering out particulate matter. Lobsters and sea slugs, while intriguing, can be more challenging to keep due to their specific dietary needs and behaviors. Tridacna clams and urchins are popular for their striking appearances but require stable water parameters and sufficient calcium levels for shell and spine growth. Starfish and snails are generally hardy and can help control algae growth, but some species have specific dietary needs that must be met.
Overall, invertebrates offer a wide range of benefits and challenges, making them a captivating addition to any saltwater aquarium. Their unique behaviors and roles within the ecosystem can provide endless fascination for hobbyists, but it's essential to research each species' specific requirements to ensure their health and well-being.
- Common name: Red Ball SpongeScientific name: Aaptos suberitoides
- Common name: Algae OctopusScientific name: Abdopus aculeatus
- Common name: Crown-of-Thorns StarfishScientific name: Acanthaster planci
- Common name: Cactus SpongeScientific name: Acanthella acuta
- Common name: Cave SpongeScientific name: Acanthella cavernosa
- Common name: Klethra SpongeScientific name: Acanthella klethra
- Common name: Vaillant's ChitonScientific name: Acanthopleura vaillantii
- Common name: Needle CuttlefishScientific name: Acanthosepion aculeatum
- Common name: Pharaoh CuttlefishScientific name: Acanthosepion pharaonis
- Common name: Orangutan CrabScientific name: Achaeus japonicus
- Common name: Beadlet AnemoneScientific name: Actinia equina
- Common name: Strawberry AnemoneScientific name: Actinia fragacea
- Common name: Waratah anemoneScientific name: Actinia tenebrosa
- Common name: tree anemoneScientific name: Actinodendron arboreum
- Common name: Branching anemoneScientific name: Actinodendron glomeratum
- Common name: Branching anemoneScientific name: Actinodendron plumosum
- Common name: Bannwarth's Sea CucumberScientific name: Actinopyga bannwarthi
- Common name: Spiny Sea CucumberScientific name: Actinopyga crassa
- Common name: BrownfishScientific name: Actinopyga echinites
- Common name: stone fish (holothurian)Scientific name: Actinopyga lecanora
- Common name: Surf redfishScientific name: Actinopyga mauritiana
- Common name: Plump sea cucumberScientific name: Actinopyga obesa
- Common name: Branching Hammer CoralScientific name: Adreus fascicularis
- Common name: A nudibranchScientific name: Aegires minor
- Common name: Green and black gill guard slugScientific name: Aegires serenae
- Common name: orange elephant ear spongeScientific name: Agelas clathrodes
- Common name: Brown Tube SpongeScientific name: Agelas conifera
- Common name: Rough Tube SpongeScientific name: Agelas dispar
- Common name: Fan SpongeScientific name: Agelas flabelliformis
- Common name: Slimy Branching SpongeScientific name: Agelas gracilis
- Common name: Mauritian SpongeScientific name: Agelas mauritiana
- Common name: Gold SpongeScientific name: Agelas oroides
- Common name: Elephant Ear SpongeScientific name: Agelas schmidtii
- Common name: Branching tube spongeScientific name: Aiolochroia crassa
- Common name: Trumpet anemoneScientific name: Aiptasia mutabilis
- Common name: pale anemoneScientific name: Aiptasia pallida
- Common name: Aldisa barlettaiScientific name: Aldisa barlettai
- Common name: Queen ConchScientific name: Aliger gigas
- Common name: King RagwormScientific name: Alitta virens
- Common name: Elegant Crinoid Squat LobsterScientific name: Allogalathea elegans
- Common name: brown snapping shrimpScientific name: Alpheus armatus
- Common name: Beautiful goby shrimpScientific name: Alpheus bellulus
- Common name: red snapping shrimpScientific name: Alpheus bisincisus
- Common name: Djeddah snapping shrimpScientific name: Alpheus djeddensis
- Common name: Immaculate Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus immaculatus
- Common name: fine-striped snapping shrimpScientific name: Alpheus ochrostriatus
- Common name: Pacific Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus pacificus
- Common name: Randall's Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus randalli
- Common name: Red-spotted Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus rubromaculatus
- Common name: Twin Snapping ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus soror
- Common name: carrot-spongeScientific name: Amphilectus fucorum
- Common name: erect rope spongeScientific name: Amphimedon compressa
- Common name: Coconut OctopusScientific name: Amphioctopus marginatus
- Common name: brittlestarScientific name: Amphiura filiformis
- Common name: Holthuis' ShrimpScientific name: Ancylomenes holthuisi
- Common name: Sarasvati Anemone ShrimpScientific name: Ancylomenes sarasvati
- Common name: Manjano AnemoneScientific name: Anemonia manjano
- Common name: Snakelocks anemoneScientific name: Anemonia viridis
- Common name: Feather starScientific name: Antedon mediterranea
- Common name: giant green anemoneScientific name: Anthopleura xanthogrammica
- Common name: Crater Sea SquirtScientific name: Aplidium crateriferum
- Common name: Tabasco TunicateScientific name: Aplidium tabascum
- Common name: California Sea HareScientific name: Aplysia californica
- Common name: Brown Sea HareScientific name: Aplysia depilans
- Common name: mottled sea hareScientific name: Aplysia fasciata
- Common name: spotted sea hareScientific name: Aplysia punctata
- Common name: Yellow tube spongeScientific name: Aplysina aerophoba
- Common name: Stove Pipe SpongeScientific name: Aplysina archeri
- Common name: row pore rope spongeScientific name: Aplysina cauliformis
- Common name: Vase SpongeScientific name: Aplysina cavernicola
- Common name: Yellow tube spongeScientific name: Aplysina fistularis
- Common name: Stove Pipe SpongeScientific name: Aplysina lacunosa
- Common name: California Sea CucumberScientific name: Apostichopus californicus
- Common name: Warty sea cucumberScientific name: Apostichopus parvimensis
- Common name: Burton's StarfishScientific name: Aquilonastra burtoni
- Common name: Sand Sifting StarfishScientific name: Archaster angulatus
- Common name: Indo-Pacific Beach StarScientific name: Archaster typicus
- Common name: Regal Slipper lobsterScientific name: Arctides regalis
- Common name: Ardeadoris egrettaScientific name: Ardeadoris egretta
- Common name: Yellow Calcareous SpongeScientific name: Arthuria canariensis
- Common name: Dwarf CuttlefishScientific name: Ascarosepion bandense
- Common name: Broadclub CuttlefishScientific name: Ascarosepion latimanus
- Common name: Papuan CuttlefishScientific name: Ascarosepion papuense
- Common name: Flamboyant CuttlefishScientific name: Ascarosepion pfefferi
- Common name: dirty sea-squirtScientific name: Ascidiella aspersa
- Common name: Northern Pacific SeastarScientific name: Asterias amurensis
- Common name: Northern Sea StarScientific name: Asterias rubens
- Common name: Asterina StarfishScientific name: Asterina anomala
- Common name: NudibranchScientific name: Asteronotus cespitosus
- Common name: sheriff-badge sea starScientific name: Asteropsis carinifera
- Common name: Fire UrchinScientific name: Asthenosoma ijimai
- Common name: variable fire urchinScientific name: Asthenosoma varium
- Common name: Anderson's Sand StarScientific name: Astropecten andersoni
- Common name: Red Comb StarfishScientific name: Astropecten aranciacus
- Common name: Bispinosus Sand StarScientific name: Astropecten bispinosus
- Common name: Sand Sifting StarfishScientific name: Astropecten jonstoni
- Common name: comb starScientific name: Astropecten polyacanthus
- Common name: Sea Sand StarfishScientific name: Astropecten spinulosus
- Common name: Giant Basket StarScientific name: Astrophyton muricatum
- Common name: Pale spine fire urchinScientific name: Astropyga magnifica
- Common name: Blue-spotted UrchinScientific name: Astropyga radiata
- Common name: Living Fossil SpongeScientific name: Astrosclera willeyana
- Common name: flag pen shellScientific name: Atrina vexillum
- Common name: Robust sea squirtScientific name: Atriolum robustum
- Common name: Moon JellyfishScientific name: Aurelia aurita
- Common name: New zealand sea cucumberScientific name: Australostichopus mollis
- Common name: Aru SpongeScientific name: Axinella aruensis
- Common name: Axinella cannabinaScientific name: Axinella cannabina
- Common name: yellow spongeScientific name: Axinella damicornis
- Common name: branching spongeScientific name: Axinella dissimilis
- Common name: Yellow SpongeScientific name: Axinella flustra
- Common name: Axinella PolypoidesScientific name: Axinella polypoides
- Common name: Rough SpongeScientific name: Axinella verrucosa
- Common name: Axinyssa ambrosiaScientific name: Axinyssa ambrosia
- Common name: Spiral Babylon SnailScientific name: Babylonia spirata
- Common name: corkscrew anemoneScientific name: Bartholomea annulata
- Common name: Curlycue AnemoneScientific name: Bartholomea lucida
- Common name: Berghia NudibranchScientific name: Berghia stephanieae
- Common name: Marten's BerthellaScientific name: Berthella martensi
- Common name: Social feather dusterScientific name: Bispira brunnea