
Common name: Callyspongia

Scientific name: Callyspongiidae

Callyspongia, commonly known as vase sponges, are a family of marine sponges found in a variety of colors and shapes. They are filter feeders, playing a crucial role in the ecosystem by cleaning water. In the aquarium, they require moderate to strong water flow and good water quality to thrive. They are non-aggressive and can be placed near other sessile invertebrates, but they need space to grow. Callyspongia species are fascinating for their intricate structures and can add a unique natural aesthetic to a reef tank.

  1. Erect rope sponge and Cushion starfish underwater
    Common name: Rope Sponge
    Scientific name: Callyspongia monilata
  2. branching vase sponge,Callyspongia ,Cladochalina, aculeata
    Common name: Branching Vase Sponge
    Scientific name: Callyspongia muricina
  3. Caribbean coral garden
    Common name: azure vase sponge
    Scientific name: Callyspongia plicifera
  4. Household dishwashing sponge from reticulated foam isolated
    Common name: Reticulated Sponge
    Scientific name: Callyspongia pseudoreticulata
  5. Common name: Schulze's Sponge
    Scientific name: Callyspongia schulzei
  6. Brain(Leptoria phrygia) and Tube(Callyspongia siphonella) corals,
    Common name: Blasser Röhrenschwamm
    Scientific name: Callyspongia siphonella
  7. Coral Gardens
    Common name: Branching Vase Sponge
    Scientific name: Callyspongia vaginalis