Common name: Stingrays
Scientific name: Dasyatidae
The Dasyatidae family, commonly known as stingrays, is a diverse group of cartilaginous fish found in tropical to temperate marine environments and sometimes in freshwater. They are characterized by their flattened bodies and long, whip-like tails, which typically bear one or more venomous spines used for defense. Stingrays are bottom dwellers and play a crucial role in their ecosystems by controlling invertebrate populations. In the aquarium, they require large, sandy-bottomed tanks and expert care. They are sensitive to water quality and need a varied diet of meaty foods.
- Common name: stingareeScientific name: Dasyatis americana
- Common name: Bluespotted stingrayScientific name: Neotrygon kuhlii
- Common name: Bluespotted Ribbontail RayScientific name: Taeniura lymma
- Common name: Blotched fantail rayScientific name: Taeniurops meyeni
- Common name: Mottled StingrayScientific name: Urogymnus asperrimus