
Common name: Verongiid sponges

Scientific name: Ianthellidae

The Ianthellidae family, commonly known as Verongiid sponges, includes a variety of colorful and structurally interesting sponges found in reef environments. These sponges are known for their bright colors, which can range from vivid blues to deep purples, and their unique chemical compounds that have potential pharmaceutical applications. In the aquarium, they can be a striking addition but require stable water conditions and a diet rich in dissolved organic matter. They are filter feeders and contribute to the water quality by removing fine particulate matter.

  1. Orange Elephant Ear Sponge (Agelas Clathrodes)
    Common name: elephant ear sponge
    Scientific name: Ianthella basta
  2. Orange Elephant Ear Sponge (Agelas Clathrodes)
    Common name: Elephant Ear Sponge
    Scientific name: Ianthella flabelliformis