
Common name: Raspailiid Sponges

Scientific name: Raspailiidae

Raspailiidae is a family of marine sponges found in reef environments. They are characterized by their branching shapes and often have a velvety texture due to their dense spicule mats. These sponges are filter feeders, playing a crucial role in nutrient cycling within the reef ecosystem. They can be colorful, adding aesthetic value to the aquarium, but require stable water conditions and moderate to strong water flow to thrive. Raspailiid sponges are not common in the aquarium trade but can be a unique addition for advanced hobbyists seeking to diversify their reef tanks.

  1. Brown encrusting octopus sponge (Ectyoplasia ferox) undersea, Caribbean Sea, Cuba, Playa Cueva de los peces
    Common name: brown encrusting octopus sponge
    Scientific name: Ectyoplasia ferox