
Common name: Stellar Damsels

Scientific name: Stelligeridae

Stelligeridae, commonly known as Stellar Damsels or Star Damsels, is a family of small, brightly colored reef-associated fish. They are known for their hardiness and territorial behavior. Members of this family are popular in the reef aquarium hobby due to their vibrant colors and active nature. They can be a good choice for adding movement and color to a tank, but their aggressive tendencies should be considered when planning tank mates.

  1. A picture of the coral reef
    Common name: Pillar Coral
    Scientific name: Stelligera rigida
  2. Stony coral Hood coral or Smooth cauliflower coral, pistillate coral (Stylophora pistillata) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Smooth Cauliflower Coral
    Scientific name: Stelligera stuposa