
Common name: Snake Eels

Scientific name: Callechelys

Callechelys is a genus of eels in the family Ophichthidae, commonly known as snake eels. These eels are characterized by their elongated bodies and reduced fins. They are found in sandy or muddy substrates in tropical and subtropical seas, where they burrow to hunt for prey such as crustaceans and small fish. In the aquarium, they require a deep sand bed to mimic their natural burrowing behavior and may be shy or reclusive. Their unique appearance and behavior can add an interesting dynamic to a well-established reef or fish-only tank.

  1. Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle, Honu, Chelonia mydas
    Common name: Yellow-spotted snake-eel
    Scientific name: Callechelys lutea
  2. Marbled snake eel, (Callechelys marmorata) stuck her head out of the sand, Red sea, Sharm El Sheikh, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, Africa
    Common name: Marbled snake eel
    Scientific name: Callechelys marmorata