
Common name: Conger Eel

Scientific name: Conger

Conger eels are a genus of eels found in the family Congridae. They are notable for their elongated bodies and lack of pectoral fins. Conger eels are not common in the reef aquarium trade due to their large size and predatory nature. They are more suited to public aquariums or very large home aquariums where they can be provided with ample space and appropriate diet. In the wild, they often inhabit rocky bottoms and crevices, and are known for their ambush predatory behavior.

  1. A Geometric Moray Eel (Gymnothorax griseus) in the Red Sea, Egypt
    Common name: Longfin African conger
    Scientific name: Conger cinereus
  2. European conger at night in Adriatic Sea near Hvar island, Croatia
    Common name: European conger
    Scientific name: Conger conger