
Common name: Knobby Candelabra Coral

Scientific name: Eunicea

Eunicea is a genus of gorgonian sea fans commonly known as Knobby Candelabra Coral. These corals are characterized by their branching, tree-like structures with polyps that extend outwards, giving them a fuzzy appearance. They are found in various colors, often purples and browns, and are popular in reef aquariums for their unique structure and moderate care requirements. Eunicea species are photosynthetic, hosting symbiotic algae known as zooxanthellae, which assist in their nutrition. They thrive in moderate water flow and lighting conditions, and are known for their resilience, making them suitable for intermediate aquarists.

  1. Bent fishing pole on a downrigger setup in the puget sound attempting to catch Chinook salmon or Coho
    Common name: Bent Sea Rod
    Scientific name: Eunicea flexuosa