
Common name: Bamboo Coral

Scientific name: Isis

Isis is a genus of soft corals known as Bamboo Corals, named for their hard, bamboo-like skeletons. These corals are part of the Alcyonacea order and are found in deep sea environments, but some species can adapt to aquarium life. They are characterized by their alternating sections of gorgonin protein and calcareous internodes, resembling bamboo stalks. Bamboo Corals are filter feeders and require moderate care in captivity, with stable water conditions and low to moderate flow. They are not aggressive and can be placed with other peaceful tank mates. Their unique appearance adds a distinct aesthetic to any reef tank.

  1.  Colorful portait of ornate ghost pipefish - Solenostomus paradoxus
    Common name: Branching Pipe Coral
    Scientific name: Isis hippuris