
Common name: Pineapple Sponge

Scientific name: Sarcotragus

Sarcotragus is a genus of sponges commonly known as Pineapple Sponges, found in marine environments. These sponges are characterized by their rough, textured surface and pineapple-like appearance. They are filter feeders, playing a crucial role in the ecosystem by cleaning water as they feed on bacteria and tiny particles. In the reef aquarium, they can be beneficial by contributing to water quality. However, they may also grow over corals and other invertebrates if not managed. They typically prefer moderate water flow and low to moderate lighting conditions.

  1. Stinker sponge (Sarcotragus fasciculatus) undersea, Aegean Sea, Greece, Halkidiki
    Common name: Pinecone Sponge
    Scientific name: Sarcotragus fasciculatus
  2. Black sponge (Sarcotragus foetidus) and Сhicken liver sponge or Caribbean Chicken-liver sponge (Chondrilla nucula) undersea, Aegean Sea, Greece, Halkidiki
    Common name: Pineapple Sponge
    Scientific name: Sarcotragus foetidus