
Common name: Sea Pens

Scientific name: Pennatulacea

Sea Pens, belonging to the order Pennatulacea, are colonial marine cnidarians found in ocean depths from shallow to deep benthic environments. They are named for their feather-like appearance resembling antique quill pens. Sea pens are unique as they anchor themselves in soft substrates using a specialized structure called a peduncle. They consist of a primary polyp that forms the axis and secondary polyps for feeding. Sea pens can display bioluminescence and are often found in nutrient-rich waters where currents can deliver plankton to their outstretched polyps. They are fascinating additions to larger, specialized aquariums but require stable conditions and expert care.

  1. ウミサボテン
    Common name: Cavernularia obesa
    Scientific name: Cavernularia obesa