
Common name: Polymastiida sponges

Scientific name: Polymastiida

Polymastiida is an order of marine sponges found in a variety of environments from shallow waters to the deep sea. These sponges are characterized by their massive, often lobose bodies and the presence of numerous types of spicules, which provide structural support. They can vary in color and size and are known for their roles in nutrient cycling and as habitats for other marine organisms. In reef aquariums, they can be interesting additions due to their unique shapes and contributions to water quality, but they require stable conditions and careful placement to avoid smothering by faster-growing organisms.

  1. Common name: Polymastia boletiformis
    Scientific name: Polymastia boletiformis
  2. Common name: white tit-sponge
    Scientific name: Polymastia mamillaris