Common name: Ornate Goby
General information
The Ornate Goby, scientifically known as Istigobius ornatus, is a small, colorful fish that is a popular choice for saltwater aquarium enthusiasts. This species is known for its distinctive diamond-shaped spots and peaceful demeanor, making it a charming addition to any reef or fish-only aquarium.
- Recommended minimum volume
- 75 liter (20 gallons)
- Salinity
- S.G. 1.020 to 1.025
- Temperature
- 24 to 28 °C (75 to 82 °F)
- Acidity
- pH 8.1 to 8.4
- Average size
- 10 cm (4″)
- Care level
- Moderate to easy
- Diet
- Omnivore
- Social
- Pair
- Reefsafe
- Yes
- Aggression
- Peaceful
- Captive bred
- No
- KingdomAnimalsAnimalia
- PhylumChordatesChordata
- ClassRay-finned FishesActinopterygii
- OrderPerch-like FishesPerciformes
- FamilyGobyGobiidae
- GenusGobyIstigobius
- SpeciesOrnate GobyIstigobius ornatus (Rüppell, 1830)
- SynonymsAcentrogobius ornatus (Rüppell, 1830)Ctenogobius calderae (Evermann & Seale, 1906)Gobius calderae Evermann & Seale, 1906Gobius ehrenbergii Valenciennes, 1837Gobius elegans Valenciennes, 1837Gobius interstinctus Richardson, 1844Gobius ornatus Rüppell, 1830Gobius ornatus masago Tomiyama, 1936Gobius periophthalmoides Bleeker, 1851Gobius stephensoni Whitley, 1932Gobius thurstoni Day, 1888Gobius ventralis Valenciennes, 1837Gobius venustulus Fowler, 1904Istigobius elegans (Valenciennes, 1837)Istigobius stephensoni (Whitley, 1932)Rhinogobius calderae (Evermann & Seale, 1906)Sicyopterus maritimus Fourmanoir, 1955
Ornate Gobies are relatively easy to care for, but they do require a tank with a sandy substrate to mimic their natural environment. They are burrowers and will often create small caves under the sand to hide and sleep in. These gobies are not aggressive and can be kept with a variety of other peaceful fish and invertebrates.
In the wild, Ornate Gobies form monogamous pairs and lay their eggs in burrows. In the aquarium, breeding is less common, but with a well-established pair, spawning may occur. The male typically guards the eggs until they hatch.
Ornate Gobies are known to engage in a fascinating symbiotic relationship with snapping shrimp of the genus Alpheus. The shrimp digs and maintains a burrow that both the goby and shrimp inhabit. The goby, with better eyesight, acts as a lookout for predators, while the shrimp provides a safe home.
Istigobius ornatus is found in the Indo-Pacific region, from the Red Sea and East Africa to Samoa, and from the Ryukyu Islands to the Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia. They inhabit sandy areas and rubble patches of lagoons and seaward reefs, usually at depths of 1 to 30 meters.