
Common name: Hydrozoans

Scientific name: Hydrozoa

Hydrozoa is a class within the phylum Cnidaria, consisting of a diverse group of mostly marine organisms. Members of this class are known for their life cycles, which can alternate between polyp and medusa stages. Hydrozoans include species like the infamous Portuguese man o' war and various types of hydroids. They can form both solitary and colonial individuals, with some creating intricate, plant-like structures. In reef aquariums, certain hydrozoans can be both fascinating additions and pests, depending on the species. Hobbyists should be aware of their potential to sting both humans and other tank inhabitants.

  1. Distichophora Violacea - Distichopora Violacea Blue Lace Coral
    Common name: Violet Lace Coral
    Scientific name: Distichopora violacea
  2. Caribbean coral garden
    Common name: fire coral
    Scientific name: Millepora alcicornis
  3. Underwater bladed fire coral, Millepora complanata landscape Reef scenery, coral fire  los roques - venezuela
    Common name: bladed fire coral
    Scientific name: Millepora complanata
  4. Yellowline arrow crab with rose lace corals (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands)
    Common name: Rose Lace Coral
    Scientific name: Stylaster roseus