Common name: Clionaid Sponges
Scientific name: Clionaidae
Clionaidae, commonly known as clionaid or boring sponges, are a family of sponges that have a unique ability to bore into calcareous substrates, including coral and limestone. This process is facilitated by chemical dissolution and mechanical action. In reef aquariums, they can be both beneficial and problematic. Beneficially, they contribute to the natural bioerosion process, but they can also cause damage to live coral structures if not kept in check. They are not typically added intentionally to aquariums but may arrive as hitchhikers on live rock.
- Common name: Caribbean Cliona SpongeScientific name: Cliona caribbaea
- Common name: Yellow SpongeScientific name: Cliona carteri
- Common name: boring spongeScientific name: Cliona celata
- Common name: red boring spongeScientific name: Cliona delitrix
- Common name: Cliona viridisScientific name: Cliona viridis
- Common name: boring spongeScientific name: Pione vastifica
- Common name: Variable Boring SpongeScientific name: Spheciospongia inconstans
- Common name: Purple Vase SpongeScientific name: Spheciospongia purpurea
- Common name: Red Vase SpongeScientific name: Spheciospongia vagabunda