
Common name: Curlycue Anemone Family

Scientific name: Hormathiidae

The Hormathiidae family, commonly known as the Curlycue Anemone Family, includes a variety of anemones that are well-suited for reef aquariums. Members of this family are known for their long, spiraling tentacles and ability to host clownfish. They are generally hardy and can adapt to a range of lighting conditions, making them popular among hobbyists. These anemones benefit from occasional feeding of meaty foods and require stable water conditions to thrive.

  1. A hermit crab (Dardanus pedunculatus) has a symbiotic relationship with anemones (Calliactis polypus) that provide camouflage and protection.
    Common name: Hermit crab anemone
    Scientific name: Calliactis polypus