Common name: Sea Anemones
Scientific name: Actiniaria
Actiniaria, commonly known as sea anemones, are a diverse order of marine, predatory animals named for the anemone, a terrestrial flower. They form a key part of reef ecosystems, often engaging in mutualistic relationships with clownfish, which gain protection from predators by living among the anemone's stinging tentacles. Sea anemones are valued in the hobby for their vibrant colors and dynamic presence. They require stable water conditions and benefit from targeted feeding of meaty foods. Some species can reproduce asexually in the aquarium, leading to a proliferation of individuals if conditions are favorable.
- Common name: Beadlet anemoneScientific name: Actinia equina
- Common name: Strawberry anemoneScientific name: Actinia fragacea
- Common name: Waratah anemoneScientific name: Actinia tenebrosa
- Common name: tree anemoneScientific name: Actinodendron arboreum
- Common name: Branching anemoneScientific name: Actinodendron glomeratum
- Common name: Branching anemoneScientific name: Actinodendron plumosum
- Common name: Haeckel's AnemoneScientific name: Actinostephanus haeckeli
- Common name: Trumpet anemoneScientific name: Aiptasia mutabilis
- Common name: pale anemoneScientific name: Aiptasia pallida
- Common name: Manjano AnemoneScientific name: Anemonia manjano
- Common name: Snakelocks anemoneScientific name: Anemonia viridis
- Common name: giant green anemoneScientific name: Anthopleura xanthogrammica
- Common name: corkscrew anemoneScientific name: Bartholomea annulata
- Common name: Curlycue AnemoneScientific name: Bartholomea lucida
- Common name: Bulb AnemoneScientific name: Boloceroides mcmurrichi
- Common name: Hermit crab anemoneScientific name: Calliactis polypus
- Common name: Golden anemoneScientific name: Condylactis aurantiaca
- Common name: giant caribbean anenoneScientific name: Condylactis gigantea
- Common name: pizza anemoneScientific name: Cryptodendrum adhaesivum
- Common name: Bubble Tip AnemoneScientific name: Entacmaea quadricolor
- Common name: Beaded sea anemoneScientific name: Heteractis aurora
- Common name: Sebae AnemoneScientific name: Heteractis crispa
- Common name: Magnificent sea anemoneScientific name: Heteractis magnifica
- Common name: Malu anemoneScientific name: Heteractis malu
- Common name: Hemprich's Sea AnemoneScientific name: Heterodactyla hemprichi
- Common name: stinging anemoneScientific name: Lebrunia danae
- Common name: Long-tentacle AnemoneScientific name: Macrodactyla doreensis
- Common name: Night anemoneScientific name: Phyllodiscus semoni
- Common name: speckled anemoneScientific name: Phymanthus crucifer
- Common name: gigantic sea anemoneScientific name: Stichodactyla gigantea
- Common name: Haddon's Carpet AnemoneScientific name: Stichodactyla haddoni
- Common name: merten's carpet anemoneScientific name: Stichodactyla mertensii
- Common name: Warty Sea AnemoneScientific name: Thalassianthus aster
- Common name: Dahlia anemoneScientific name: Urticina felina