
Common name: Harlequin Shrimp Family

Scientific name: Hymenoceridae

The Hymenoceridae family, commonly known as Harlequin Shrimp Family, includes some of the most strikingly colored and patterned shrimp in the marine aquarium hobby. Members of this family, such as the Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera picta), are known for their specialized diet, feeding exclusively on starfish, including the Crown-of-Thorns starfish. This unique feeding habit can be both a benefit and a challenge for aquarists. While they can help control pest starfish populations, they also require a consistent supply of live starfish to thrive, making them suitable for experienced hobbyists with the ability to meet their dietary needs.

  1. Incredible underwater world - Hymenocera picta - Harlequin shrimp. Eating/feeding starfish. Underwater macro photography. Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia.
    Common name: harlequin shrimp
    Scientific name: Hymenocera picta