Common name: Arthropods
Arthropods are a diverse and fascinating group of invertebrates recognized for their jointed limbs and exoskeletons made of chitin. This phylum includes a wide range of species such as insects, arachnids, myriapods, and crustaceans, making it the largest phylum in the animal kingdom. In the context of reefkeeping, crustaceans like shrimps, crabs, and lobsters are of particular interest due to their unique behaviors and roles in the ecosystem.
Crustaceans are often added to saltwater aquariums for their ability to clean up detritus and algae, making them excellent members of a cleanup crew. Species like the Lysmata amboinensis are popular for their symbiotic cleaning relationships with fish, where they remove parasites and dead tissue. These interactions not only benefit the fish but also provide a fascinating display of natural behavior in the aquarium.
When keeping arthropods in a marine aquarium, it is essential to consider their specific habitat needs, such as water quality, temperature, and salinity. Many crustaceans are sensitive to changes in water chemistry and require stable conditions to thrive. Additionally, some species may exhibit territorial or aggressive behavior, particularly if space is limited, so careful planning of tank mates is crucial.
In a scientific context, arthropods are studied for their success, adaptability, and complex life cycles. Their exoskeletons provide protection and support, while their jointed appendages allow for diverse movements and interactions with their environment. Understanding these traits can enhance the care and appreciation of these creatures in a home aquarium setting.
- Common name: Orangutan CrabScientific name: Achaeus japonicus
- Common name: Elegant Crinoid Squat LobsterScientific name: Allogalathea elegans
- Common name: brown snapping shrimpScientific name: Alpheus armatus
- Common name: Beautiful goby shrimpScientific name: Alpheus bellulus
- Common name: red snapping shrimpScientific name: Alpheus bisincisus
- Common name: Djeddah snapping shrimpScientific name: Alpheus djeddensis
- Common name: Immaculate Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus immaculatus
- Common name: fine-striped snapping shrimpScientific name: Alpheus ochrostriatus
- Common name: Pacific Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus pacificus
- Common name: Randall's Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus randalli
- Common name: Red-spotted Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus rubromaculatus
- Common name: Twin Snapping ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus soror
- Common name: Holthuis' ShrimpScientific name: Ancylomenes holthuisi
- Common name: Sarasvati Anemone ShrimpScientific name: Ancylomenes sarasvati
- Common name: Regal Slipper lobsterScientific name: Arctides regalis
- Common name: Red-leg Hermit CrabScientific name: Calcinus californiensis
- Common name: Electric Blue Hermit CrabScientific name: Calcinus elegans
- Common name: Left-handed Hermit CrabScientific name: Calcinus laevimanus
- Common name: Orangeclaw Hermit CrabScientific name: Calcinus tibicen
- Common name: Decorator CrabScientific name: Camposcia retusa
- Common name: Convex Reef CrabScientific name: Carpilius convexus
- Common name: Seven-eleven CrabScientific name: Carpilius maculatus
- Common name: Squat LobsterScientific name: Chirostylus dolichopus
- Common name: Halloween Hermit CrabScientific name: Ciliopagurus strigatus
- Common name: Henderson's hinge-beak shrimpScientific name: Cinetorhynchus hendersoni
- Common name: Manning hingebeakScientific name: Cinetorhynchus manningi
- Common name: reticulated hingebeakScientific name: Cinetorhynchus reticulatus
- Common name: Dwarf Red Tip Hermit CrabScientific name: Clibanarius digueti
- Common name: Orange-red Hermit CrabScientific name: Clibanarius rutilus
- Common name: Blue-legged Hermit CrabScientific name: Clibanarius tricolor
- Common name: Corallimorph Decorator CrabScientific name: Cyclocoeloma tuberculatum
- Common name: Blue Knee Hermit CrabScientific name: Dardanus guttatus
- Common name: Dark Knee Hermit CrabScientific name: Dardanus lagopodes
- Common name: White-spotted Hermit CrabScientific name: Dardanus megistos
- Common name: Anemone Hermit CrabScientific name: Dardanus pedunculatus
- Common name: Horned Sea Pen ShrimpScientific name: Dasycaris ceratops
- Common name: Zanzibar Whip Coral ShrimpScientific name: Dasycaris zanzibarica
- Common name: Debelius' Reef LobsterScientific name: Enoplometopus debelius
- Common name: Bullseye Reef LobsterScientific name: Enoplometopus holthuisi
- Common name: Red Reef LobsterScientific name: Enoplometopus occidentalis
- Common name: Antarctic krillScientific name: Euphausia superba
- Common name: Speckled sea louseScientific name: Eurydice pulchra
- Common name: Bob Marley ParasiteScientific name: Gnathia marleyi
- Common name: Striped Bumblebee ShrimpScientific name: Gnathophyllum americanum
- Common name: Peacock Mantis ShrimpScientific name: Gonodactylus chiragra
- Common name: Peacock Mantis ShrimpScientific name: Gonodactylus smithii
- Common name: coral shrimpScientific name: Hamodactylus boschmai
- Common name: Sexy ShrimpScientific name: Hamodactylus noumeae
- Common name: Mushroom coral shrimpScientific name: Hamopontonia corallicola
- Common name: Peacock Mantis ShrimpScientific name: Haptosquilla pulchella
- Common name: Mantis ShrimpScientific name: Hemisquilla ensigera
- Common name: Calico Box CrabScientific name: Hepatus epheliticus
- Common name: Soft Coral CrabScientific name: Hoplophrys oatesii
- Common name: harlequin shrimpScientific name: Hymenocera picta
- Common name: Leach's Spider CrabScientific name: Inachus phalangium
- Common name: Janira maculosaScientific name: Janira maculosa
- Common name: Variable crinoid shrimpScientific name: Laomenes ceratophthalmus
- Common name: Harlequin ShrimpScientific name: Laomenes cornutus
- Common name: Banded Arrow CrabScientific name: Latreillia valida
- Common name: Hairy Squat LobsterScientific name: Lauriea siagiani
- Common name: Plume shrimpScientific name: Leander plumosus
- Common name: Goose BarnacleScientific name: Lepas anserifera
- Common name: Atlantic Horseshoe CrabScientific name: Limulus polyphemus
- Common name: Harlequin Swimming CrabScientific name: Lissocarcinus laevis
- Common name: Sea Cucumber Swimming CrabScientific name: Lissocarcinus orbicularis
- Common name: Pom-pom CrabScientific name: Lybia tessellata
- Common name: golden mantis shrimpScientific name: Lysiosquilla tredecimdentata
- Common name: Skunk Cleaner ShrimpScientific name: Lysmata amboinensis
- Common name: Anker's Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Lysmata ankeri
- Common name: Peppermint ShrimpScientific name: Lysmata bahia
- Common name: Peppermint ShrimpScientific name: Lysmata boggessi
- Common name: lined shrimpScientific name: Lysmata californica
- Common name: scarlet cleaner shrimpScientific name: Lysmata debelius
- Common name: cleaner shrimpScientific name: Lysmata grabhami
- Common name: peppermint shrimpScientific name: Lysmata wurdemanni
- Common name: Red Sea Feather StarScientific name: Manucomplanus varians
- Common name: Titan Acorn BarnacleScientific name: Megabalanus tintinnabulum
- Common name: Dragon shrimpScientific name: Miropandalus hardingi
- Common name: Nodose Clinging CrabScientific name: Mithraculus coryphe
- Common name: Emerald CrabScientific name: Mithraculus sculptus
- Common name: Mysis ShrimpScientific name: Mysis relicta
- Common name: Bull Hydroid CrabScientific name: Naxioides taurus
- Common name: Smashing Mantis ShrimpScientific name: Neogonodactylus bredini
- Common name: An opossum shrimpScientific name: Neomysis integer
- Common name: Spotted Porcelain CrabScientific name: Neopetrolisthes maculates
- Common name: pink tail mantis shrimpScientific name: Odontodactylus latirostris
- Common name: Peacock Mantis ShrimpScientific name: Odontodactylus scyllarus
- Common name: Red Reef Hermit CrabScientific name: Paguristes cadenati
- Common name: Common Hermit CrabScientific name: Pagurus bernhardus
- Common name: Stripe-leg spiny lobsterScientific name: Panulirus femoristriga
- Common name: California spiny lobsterScientific name: Panulirus interruptus
- Common name: ornate spiny lobsterScientific name: Panulirus ornatus
- Common name: pronghorn spiny lobsterScientific name: Panulirus penicillatus
- Common name: slipper lobsterScientific name: Panulirus versicolor
- Common name: sugarcane shrimpScientific name: Parhippolyte uveae
- Common name: sculptured mitten lobsterScientific name: Parribacus antarcticus
- Common name: Sally Lightfoot CrabScientific name: Percnon gibbesi
- Common name: Flat Rock CrabScientific name: Percnon planissimum
- Common name: ambon crinoid shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes amboinensis
- Common name: pacific clown anemone shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes brevicarpalis
- Common name: Brock's Anemone ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes brockii
- Common name: Coleman ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes colemani
- Common name: hydroid shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes galene
- Common name: Holthuis' ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes holthuisi
- Common name: emperor shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes imperator
- Common name: Koror Anemone ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes kororensis
- Common name: Harlequin ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes lanipes
- Common name: Long-arm Cleaner ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes longicarpus
- Common name: Magnificent ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes magnificus
- Common name: Pederson cleaner shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes pedersoni
- Common name: translucent gorgonian shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes psamathe
- Common name: Emperor ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes rex
- Common name: Sea Star ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes soror
- Common name: Glass shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes tenuipes
- Common name: Glass Anemone ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes tenuis
- Common name: Periclimenes sarasvatiScientific name: Periclimenes tosaensis
- Common name: graceful anemone shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes venustus
- Common name: spotted cleaner shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes yucatanicus
- Common name: Banded Porcelain CrabScientific name: Petrolisthes galathinus
- Common name: Red-stripe Hermit CrabScientific name: Phimochirus holthuisi