
Common name: Pinecone Fish

Scientific name: Monocentridae

The Monocentridae family, commonly known as Pinecone Fish or Pineapple Fish, includes bioluminescent marine species. These fish are known for their unique armor-like scales and light-producing organs, which are symbiotic with luminescent bacteria. They are nocturnal and typically found in rocky or coral reef environments. In the aquarium, they require dim lighting and plenty of hiding places. They can be shy and are best kept with peaceful tank mates. Their diet should include meaty foods like shrimp and squid.

  1. Pineapplefish (Cleidopus gloriamaris)
    Common name: Pineapplefish
    Scientific name: Cleidopus gloriamaris
  2. Japanese Pinecone Fish (Monocentris japonica)
    Common name: Japanese Pinecone Fish
    Scientific name: Monocentris japonica