
Common name: Carnation Corals

Scientific name: Nephtheidae

Nephtheidae, commonly known as Carnation Corals, Tree Corals, or Colt Corals, is a family of soft corals known for their colorful and delicate appearance. They are popular in the reefkeeping hobby for their flowing polyps and variety of hues. These corals are non-reef building and often found in deeper waters with moderate to low light conditions. They require good water quality and moderate flow to thrive in captivity. Carnation Corals are filter feeders and benefit from regular feedings of planktonic foods. They can be sensitive to changes in water parameters, so stability is key for their health.

  1. Tree soft Coral (Capnella Imbricata) in the filipino sea 7.2.2015
    Common name: Kenya Tree Coral
    Scientific name: Capnella imbricata
  2. Closeup of tropical soft coral
    Common name: Carnation Coral
    Scientific name: Dendronephthya klunzingeri
  3. Trendy living coral color flower background. Soft focus of close up coral carnation flower
    Common name: Carnation Coral
    Scientific name: Dendronephthya rubeola