
Common name: Boxfish

Scientific name: Ostraciidae

The Ostraciidae family, commonly known as boxfish, trunkfish, and cowfish, comprises a group of bony fish recognized for their distinctive box-shaped bodies. These fish are encased in a hard, bony carapace which provides protection but limits their mobility. They are found in tropical and subtropical reefs around the world and are known for their unique swimming motion. Ostraciids have a specialized diet that includes algae, sponges, and small invertebrates. They are generally peaceful but can release toxins when stressed, which can be harmful to other tank inhabitants. Their unique appearance and behavior make them a fascinating addition to a marine aquarium, but they require experienced care.

  1. Island Cowfish (Acanthostracion notacanthus)
    Common name: Island Cowfish
    Scientific name: Acanthostracion notacanthus
  2. Caribbean coral garden, Honeycomb Cowfish (Acanthostracion polygonius)
    Common name: Honeycomb Cowfish
    Scientific name: Acanthostracion polygonius
  3. Scrawled Cowfish
    Common name: Scrawled Cowfish
    Scientific name: Acanthostracion quadricornis
  4. A Spotted Trunkfish (Lactophrys bicaudalis) in Cozumel, Mexico
    Common name: Trunkfish
    Scientific name: Lactophrys bicaudalis
  5. A juvenile Buffalo Trunkfish (Lactophrys trigonus) in Florida, USA
    Common name: Buffalo trunkfish
    Scientific name: Lactophrys trigonus
  6. Smooth Trunkfish (Lactophrys triqueter) on Caribbean coral reef
    Common name: Smooth Trunkfish
    Scientific name: Lactophrys triqueter
  7. Longhorn Cowfish (Lactoria cornuta)
    Common name: Longhorn Cowfish
    Scientific name: Lactoria cornuta
  8. Long-horn cowfish
    Common name: Transparent boxfish
    Scientific name: Lactoria diaphana
  9. Thorny-Back Cowfish Lactoria fornasini
    Common name: Thornback cowfish
    Scientific name: Lactoria fornasini
  10. Yellow boxfish (Ostracion cubicus).
    Common name: Yellow boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion cubicus
  11. Bluetail Trunkfish in Red Sea
    Common name: Bluetail trunkfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion cyanurus
  12. ハコフグのオス
    Common name: bluespotted boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion immaculatus
  13. Male Spotted Boxfish (Ostracion Meleagris)
    Common name: Spotted Boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion meleagris
  14. A Horn-nose Boxfish (Ostracion rhinorhynchos) swimming underwater
    Common name: Horn-nosed boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion rhinorhynchos
  15. Striped Boxfish - Ostracion solorensis
    Common name: Reticulate boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion solorensis
  16. Common name: Roughskin trunkfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion trachys
  17. Whitley's Boxfish on Coral Reef
    Common name: Whitley's box
    Scientific name: Ostracion whitleyi
  18. A cute shortnose boxfish is swimming in marine aquarium. Small nose boxfish (Rhynchostracion nasus) has a powerful toxin on the skin.
    Common name: Shortnose boxfish
    Scientific name: Rhynchostracion nasus