
Common name: Pufferfish

Scientific name: Tetraodontiformes

Tetraodontiformes is an order that includes various unique and often brightly colored marine species, such as pufferfish, boxfish, triggerfish, and filefish. Members of this order are known for their distinctive body shapes and defense mechanisms. Pufferfish, for example, can inflate their bodies to deter predators, while boxfish have rigid, box-like structures. Triggerfish have strong jaws and teeth for crushing shells. These species can be challenging to keep in home aquariums due to their specific dietary and environmental needs, and some may exhibit aggressive behavior towards other tank inhabitants.

  1. Island Cowfish (Acanthostracion notacanthus)
    Common name: Island Cowfish
    Scientific name: Acanthostracion notacanthus
  2. Caribbean coral garden, Honeycomb Cowfish (Acanthostracion polygonius)
    Common name: Honeycomb Cowfish
    Scientific name: Acanthostracion polygonius
  3. Scrawled Cowfish
    Common name: Scrawled Cowfish
    Scientific name: Acanthostracion quadricornis
  4. Bristle-tail Filefish (Acreichthys tomentosus)
    Common name: Bristle-tail Filefish
    Scientific name: Acreichthys tomentosus
  5. Aluterus scriptus, scrawled filefish
    Common name: scrawled filefish
    Scientific name: Aluterus scriptus
  6. The swimming appearance of the White-barred Boxfish, a fish with very hard scales
    Common name: White-barred Boxfish
    Scientific name: Anoplocapros lenticularis
  7. A female Shaw's cowfish, Aracana aurita, also known as a painted boxfish or striped cowfish. Found in the reefs of the eastern Indian Ocean around south Australia
    Common name: Striped cowfish
    Scientific name: Aracana aurita
  8. Male Ornate Cowfish (Aracana ornata)
    Common name: Ornate Cowfish
    Scientific name: Aracana ornata
  9. Bluespotted pufferfish, Arothron caeruleopunctatus
    Common name: Blue-spotted puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron caeruleopunctatus
  10. Masked Puffer, Arothron diadematus at Dangerous Reef, St John's
    Common name: Masked puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron diadematus
  11. Common name: Starry toado
    Scientific name: Arothron firmamentum
  12. White-spotted puffer (Arothron hispidus) in an aquarium.
    Common name: White-spotted puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron hispidus
  13. Immaculate puffer
    Common name: Immaculate puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron immaculatus
  14. Striped Puffer Arothron manilensis,
    Common name: Narrow-lined puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron manilensis
  15. A Map Puffer (Arothron mappa)
    Common name: Map puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron mappa
  16. yellow Arothron meleagris and Cleaner fish
    Common name: Guineafowl puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron meleagris
  17. Black-spotted Pufferfish (Arothron Nigropunctatus)
    Common name: Blackspotted puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron nigropunctatus
  18. Reticulated pufferfish (Arothron reticularis) in Japan
    Common name: Reticulate blowfish
    Scientific name: Arothron reticularis
  19. Blue tropical ocean with coral reef. White spotted venomous fish - Pufferfish (Stellate puffer, Arothron stellatus). Snorkeling with marine life. Aquatic wildlife, underwater photography.
    Common name: Blackspotted puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron stellatus
  20. Orange-striped triggerfish (Balistapus undulatus) , coral fish in the coral reef
    Common name: Orange-lined triggerfish
    Scientific name: Balistapus undulatus
  21. A Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) on ice after being caught by a fisherman in Florida, USA.
    Common name: Grey triggerfish
    Scientific name: Balistes capriscus
  22. Clown Triggerfish swimming in aquarium. Clownfish or Balistoides conspicillum tropical fish, side view
    Common name: spotted triggerfish
    Scientific name: Balistes punctatus
  23. Queen Triggerfish (Balistes vetula) Ambergris Caye, Hol Chan Marine Preserve, Belize
    Common name: Ol'wife
    Scientific name: Balistes vetula
  24. Clown Triggerfish swimming in aquarium. Clownfish or Balistoides conspicillum tropical fish, side view
    Common name: Clown triggerfish
    Scientific name: Balistoides conspicillum
  25. Titan triggerfish and coral
    Common name: Titan triggerfish
    Scientific name: Balistoides viridescens
  26. Fingerprint Toby Fish in Moalboal, Cebu, Philippines
    Common name: sharpnose-puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster amboinensis
  27. Pair of Whitebelly Toby.
    Common name: Bennett's sharpnose puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster bennetti
  28. Common name: Clown toado
    Scientific name: Canthigaster callisterna
  29. Spitzkopf-Kugelfisch
    Common name: Compressed toby
    Scientific name: Canthigaster compressa
  30. Crowned Puffer (Canthigaster coronata) swim over sea grass, Red Sea, Dahab, Egypt, Africa
    Common name: Crowned puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster coronata
  31. Grey-Top Pufferfish Canthigaster cf epilampra
    Common name: Lantern toby
    Scientific name: Canthigaster epilampra
  32. Hawaiian Endemic Whitespotted Toby (Canthigaster jactator); Maui, Hawaii, United States of America
    Common name: White-spotted puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster jactator
  33. Honeycomb toby fish (Canthigaster janthinoptera) swimming into it's hiding place.
    Common name: Honeycomb toby
    Scientific name: Canthigaster janthinoptera
  34. Common name: Leopard sharpnose puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster leoparda
  35. Canthigaster margaritata
    Common name: Pufferfish
    Scientific name: Canthigaster margaritata
  36. Canthigaster papua
    Common name: Papuan toby
    Scientific name: Canthigaster papua
  37. Spotted Sharpnose Puffer
    Common name: Spotted sharpnosed puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster punctatissima
  38. Common name: pPygmy toby
    Scientific name: Canthigaster pygmaea
  39. Brown-lined puffer (Canthigaster rivulata) juvenile
    Common name: Tail-barred pufferfish
    Scientific name: Canthigaster rivulata
  40. Sharpnose Puffer swimming in the Caribbean Sea - Bonaire
    Common name: Sharpnose pufferfish
    Scientific name: Canthigaster rostrata
  41. Common name: Smith's pufferfish
    Scientific name: Canthigaster smithae
  42. Sharpnose puffer
    Common name: Spotted sharpnose
    Scientific name: Canthigaster solandri
  43. Common name: Tyler's toby
    Scientific name: Canthigaster tyleri
  44. Valentine's Sharpnosed Puffer, Canthigaster valentini
    Common name: Valentini Puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster valentini
  45. Chaetodermis penicilligerus, also known as the prickly leather-jacket or tasselled leather-jacket
    Common name: Tasselled leatherjacket
    Scientific name: Chaetodermis penicilligerus
  46. Bridled Burrfish underwater in the Caribbean sea
    Common name: Bridled burrfish
    Scientific name: Chilomycterus antennatus
  47. Web Burrfish Swimming Next to a Patch of Coral Reef
    Common name: web burrfish
    Scientific name: Chilomycterus antillarum
  48. spotted burrfish fish
    Common name: Spotfin burrfish
    Scientific name: Chilomycterus reticulatus
  49. Close up of a Blowfish swimming in the clear Ocean. Natural Background with beautiful Lighting
    Common name: Striped burrfish
    Scientific name: Chilomycterus schoepfii
  50. striped burrfish underwater atlantic ocean fish chilomychterus shoepfii
    Common name: Striped burrfish
    Scientific name: Chilomycterus spinosus
  51. Porcupinefish (Cyclichthys orbicularis) in the Red Sea Egypt
    Common name: Birdbeak burrfish
    Scientific name: Cyclichthys orbicularis
  52. Gelbflecken Igelfisch
    Common name: Spotbase burrfish
    Scientific name: Cyclichthys spilostylus
  53. Balloonfish
    Common name: Long-spined porcupine fish
    Scientific name: Diodon holocanthus
  54. Spot-fin porcupinefish, diodon hystrix, in Maldives
    Common name: Spot-fin porcupinefish
    Scientific name: Diodon hystrix
  55. colorful Black-blotched porcupinefish (diodon liturosus)
    Common name: Black-blotched porcupinefish
    Scientific name: Diodon liturosus
  56. A Spotted Trunkfish (Lactophrys bicaudalis) in Cozumel, Mexico
    Common name: Trunkfish
    Scientific name: Lactophrys bicaudalis
  57. A juvenile Buffalo Trunkfish (Lactophrys trigonus) in Florida, USA
    Common name: Buffalo trunkfish
    Scientific name: Lactophrys trigonus
  58. Smooth Trunkfish (Lactophrys triqueter) on Caribbean coral reef
    Common name: Smooth Trunkfish
    Scientific name: Lactophrys triqueter
  59. Longhorn Cowfish (Lactoria cornuta)
    Common name: Longhorn Cowfish
    Scientific name: Lactoria cornuta
  60. Long-horn cowfish
    Common name: Transparent boxfish
    Scientific name: Lactoria diaphana
  61. Thorny-Back Cowfish Lactoria fornasini
    Common name: Thornback cowfish
    Scientific name: Lactoria fornasini
  62. Melichthys indicus - Indian triggerfish in sea water
    Common name: Indian triggerfish
    Scientific name: Melichthys indicus
  63. Black durgon in the ocean
    Common name: Black triggerfish
    Scientific name: Melichthys niger
  64. Pinktail Durgon (Melichthys Vidua), Near Kona; Island Of Hawaii, Hawaii, United States Of America
    Common name: Pink-tail trigger
    Scientific name: Melichthys vidua
  65. Common name: Fringed Fiiefish
    Scientific name: Monacanthus ciliatus
  66. Niger Triggerfish (Odonus niger)
    Common name: Niger Trigger Fish
    Scientific name: Odonus niger
  67. Yellow boxfish (Ostracion cubicus).
    Common name: Yellow boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion cubicus
  68. Bluetail Trunkfish in Red Sea
    Common name: Bluetail trunkfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion cyanurus
  69. ハコフグのオス
    Common name: bluespotted boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion immaculatus
  70. Male Spotted Boxfish (Ostracion Meleagris)
    Common name: Spotted Boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion meleagris
  71. A Horn-nose Boxfish (Ostracion rhinorhynchos) swimming underwater
    Common name: Horn-nosed boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion rhinorhynchos
  72. Striped Boxfish - Ostracion solorensis
    Common name: Reticulate boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion solorensis
  73. Common name: Roughskin trunkfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion trachys
  74. Whitley's Boxfish on Coral Reef
    Common name: Whitley's box
    Scientific name: Ostracion whitleyi
  75. Red Sea long-nose file-fish, scientific name is Oxymonocathus halli. It is small (5-7 cm) marine fish, belonging to family Monacanthidae, inhabits coral reefs in the Red Sea, Middle East.
    Common name: Red Sea longnose filefish
    Scientific name: Oxymonacanthus halli
  76. Orange spotted filefish Oxymonacanthus longirostris
    Common name: Harlequin filefish
    Scientific name: Oxymonacanthus longirostris
  77. Common name: Andaman Mimic Filefish
    Scientific name: Paraluteres arqat
  78. ノコギリハギの幼魚
    Common name: Mimic filefish
    Scientific name: Paraluteres prionurus
  79. Detail of leatherjacket Meuschenia scaber showing eye and leathery skin.
    Common name: Yelloweye filefish
    Scientific name: Pervagor alternans
  80. Common name: Orangetail filefish
    Scientific name: Pervagor aspricaudus
  81. Common name: Ear-spot filefish
    Scientific name: Pervagor janthinosoma
  82. Common name: Yellowtail Bristletooth
    Scientific name: Pervagor marginalis
  83. Blackheaded filefish, Pervagor melanocephalus, Sulawesi Indonesia.
    Common name: Redtail filefish
    Scientific name: Pervagor melanocephalus
  84. Common name: Blacklined filefish
    Scientific name: Pervagor nigrolineatus
  85. Flag tail Goby,Amblyeleotris yanoi, and Randall s Shrimp, Alpheus randalli Sulawesi, Indonesia
    Common name: Randall's Prawn Goby
    Scientific name: Pervagor randalli
  86. Fan-bellied Leatherjacket (Monacanthus chinensis)
    Common name: Fantail filefish
    Scientific name: Pervagor spilosoma
  87. Yellowmargin Triggerfish - Pseudobalistes Flavimarginatus
    Common name: Yellowmargin triggerfish
    Scientific name: Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus
  88. bluelined triggerfish
    Common name: Blue triggerfish
    Scientific name: Pseudobalistes fuscus
  89. Lagoon triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus)
    Common name: Picasso Triggerfish
    Scientific name: Rhinecanthus aculeatus
  90. Reef coral fish Arabian Picassofish
    Common name: Picasso triggerfish
    Scientific name: Rhinecanthus assasi
  91. Wedgetail Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus)
    Common name: Wedgetail Triggerfish
    Scientific name: Rhinecanthus rectangulus
  92. Blackbelly triggerfish (lat. Rhinecanthus  verrucosus)
    Common name: Blackbelly triggerfish
    Scientific name: Rhinecanthus verrucosus
  93. A cute shortnose boxfish is swimming in marine aquarium. Small nose boxfish (Rhynchostracion nasus) has a powerful toxin on the skin.
    Common name: Shortnose boxfish
    Scientific name: Rhynchostracion nasus
  94. Scythe Triggerfish Sufflamen bursa
    Common name: Boomerang triggerfish
    Scientific name: Sufflamen bursa
  95. Flagtail Triggerfish Sufflamen chrysopterum
    Common name: Halfmoon triggerfish
    Scientific name: Sufflamen chrysopterum
  96. Masked Triggerfish on Coral Reef
    Common name: Masked triggerfish
    Scientific name: Sufflamen fraenatum
  97. Male gilded triggerfish, Xanthichthys auromarginatus, Hawaii, USA
    Common name: Gilded triggerfish
    Scientific name: Xanthichthys auromarginatus
  98. Orange-lined triggerfish (Balistapus undulatus) swimming around reef near Anilao, Batangas, Philippines
    Common name: Outrigger triggerfish
    Scientific name: Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus
  99. Common name: Blue Line Triggerfish
    Scientific name: Xanthichthys lineopunctatus
  100. Crosshatch Triggerfish (Xanthichthys mento)
    Common name: Blue-throat trigger
    Scientific name: Xanthichthys mento
  101. Sargassum Triggerfish (Xanthichthys ringens)
    Common name: Sargassum triggerfish
    Scientific name: Xanthichthys ringens