Common name: Pufferfish
Scientific name: Tetraodontiformes
Tetraodontiformes is an order that includes various unique and often brightly colored marine species, such as pufferfish, boxfish, triggerfish, and filefish. Members of this order are known for their distinctive body shapes and defense mechanisms. Pufferfish, for example, can inflate their bodies to deter predators, while boxfish have rigid, box-like structures. Triggerfish have strong jaws and teeth for crushing shells. These species can be challenging to keep in home aquariums due to their specific dietary and environmental needs, and some may exhibit aggressive behavior towards other tank inhabitants.
- Common name: Island CowfishScientific name: Acanthostracion notacanthus
- Common name: Honeycomb CowfishScientific name: Acanthostracion polygonius
- Common name: Scrawled CowfishScientific name: Acanthostracion quadricornis
- Common name: Bristle-tail FilefishScientific name: Acreichthys tomentosus
- Common name: scrawled filefishScientific name: Aluterus scriptus
- Common name: White-barred BoxfishScientific name: Anoplocapros lenticularis
- Common name: Striped cowfishScientific name: Aracana aurita
- Common name: Ornate CowfishScientific name: Aracana ornata
- Common name: Blue-spotted pufferScientific name: Arothron caeruleopunctatus
- Common name: Masked pufferScientific name: Arothron diadematus
- Common name: Starry toadoScientific name: Arothron firmamentum
- Common name: White-spotted pufferScientific name: Arothron hispidus
- Common name: Immaculate pufferScientific name: Arothron immaculatus
- Common name: Narrow-lined pufferScientific name: Arothron manilensis
- Common name: Map pufferScientific name: Arothron mappa
- Common name: Guineafowl pufferScientific name: Arothron meleagris
- Common name: Blackspotted pufferScientific name: Arothron nigropunctatus
- Common name: Reticulate blowfishScientific name: Arothron reticularis
- Common name: Blackspotted pufferScientific name: Arothron stellatus
- Common name: Orange-lined triggerfishScientific name: Balistapus undulatus
- Common name: Grey triggerfishScientific name: Balistes capriscus
- Common name: spotted triggerfishScientific name: Balistes punctatus
- Common name: Ol'wifeScientific name: Balistes vetula
- Common name: Clown triggerfishScientific name: Balistoides conspicillum
- Common name: Titan triggerfishScientific name: Balistoides viridescens
- Common name: sharpnose-pufferScientific name: Canthigaster amboinensis
- Common name: Bennett's sharpnose pufferScientific name: Canthigaster bennetti
- Common name: Clown toadoScientific name: Canthigaster callisterna
- Common name: Compressed tobyScientific name: Canthigaster compressa
- Common name: Crowned pufferScientific name: Canthigaster coronata
- Common name: Lantern tobyScientific name: Canthigaster epilampra
- Common name: White-spotted pufferScientific name: Canthigaster jactator
- Common name: Honeycomb tobyScientific name: Canthigaster janthinoptera
- Common name: Leopard sharpnose pufferScientific name: Canthigaster leoparda
- Common name: PufferfishScientific name: Canthigaster margaritata
- Common name: Papuan tobyScientific name: Canthigaster papua
- Common name: Spotted sharpnosed pufferScientific name: Canthigaster punctatissima
- Common name: pPygmy tobyScientific name: Canthigaster pygmaea
- Common name: Tail-barred pufferfishScientific name: Canthigaster rivulata
- Common name: Sharpnose pufferfishScientific name: Canthigaster rostrata
- Common name: Smith's pufferfishScientific name: Canthigaster smithae
- Common name: Spotted sharpnoseScientific name: Canthigaster solandri
- Common name: Tyler's tobyScientific name: Canthigaster tyleri
- Common name: Valentini PufferScientific name: Canthigaster valentini
- Common name: Tasselled leatherjacketScientific name: Chaetodermis penicilligerus
- Common name: Bridled burrfishScientific name: Chilomycterus antennatus
- Common name: web burrfishScientific name: Chilomycterus antillarum
- Common name: Spotfin burrfishScientific name: Chilomycterus reticulatus
- Common name: Striped burrfishScientific name: Chilomycterus schoepfii
- Common name: Striped burrfishScientific name: Chilomycterus spinosus
- Common name: Birdbeak burrfishScientific name: Cyclichthys orbicularis
- Common name: Spotbase burrfishScientific name: Cyclichthys spilostylus
- Common name: Long-spined porcupine fishScientific name: Diodon holocanthus
- Common name: Spot-fin porcupinefishScientific name: Diodon hystrix
- Common name: Black-blotched porcupinefishScientific name: Diodon liturosus
- Common name: TrunkfishScientific name: Lactophrys bicaudalis
- Common name: Buffalo trunkfishScientific name: Lactophrys trigonus
- Common name: Smooth TrunkfishScientific name: Lactophrys triqueter
- Common name: Longhorn CowfishScientific name: Lactoria cornuta
- Common name: Transparent boxfishScientific name: Lactoria diaphana
- Common name: Thornback cowfishScientific name: Lactoria fornasini
- Common name: Indian triggerfishScientific name: Melichthys indicus
- Common name: Black triggerfishScientific name: Melichthys niger
- Common name: Pink-tail triggerScientific name: Melichthys vidua
- Common name: Fringed FiiefishScientific name: Monacanthus ciliatus
- Common name: Niger Trigger FishScientific name: Odonus niger
- Common name: Yellow boxfishScientific name: Ostracion cubicus
- Common name: Bluetail trunkfishScientific name: Ostracion cyanurus
- Common name: bluespotted boxfishScientific name: Ostracion immaculatus
- Common name: Spotted BoxfishScientific name: Ostracion meleagris
- Common name: Horn-nosed boxfishScientific name: Ostracion rhinorhynchos
- Common name: Reticulate boxfishScientific name: Ostracion solorensis
- Common name: Roughskin trunkfishScientific name: Ostracion trachys
- Common name: Whitley's boxScientific name: Ostracion whitleyi
- Common name: Red Sea longnose filefishScientific name: Oxymonacanthus halli
- Common name: Harlequin filefishScientific name: Oxymonacanthus longirostris
- Common name: Andaman Mimic FilefishScientific name: Paraluteres arqat
- Common name: Mimic filefishScientific name: Paraluteres prionurus
- Common name: Yelloweye filefishScientific name: Pervagor alternans
- Common name: Orangetail filefishScientific name: Pervagor aspricaudus
- Common name: Ear-spot filefishScientific name: Pervagor janthinosoma
- Common name: Yellowtail BristletoothScientific name: Pervagor marginalis
- Common name: Redtail filefishScientific name: Pervagor melanocephalus
- Common name: Blacklined filefishScientific name: Pervagor nigrolineatus
- Common name: Randall's Prawn GobyScientific name: Pervagor randalli
- Common name: Fantail filefishScientific name: Pervagor spilosoma
- Common name: Yellowmargin triggerfishScientific name: Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus
- Common name: Blue triggerfishScientific name: Pseudobalistes fuscus
- Common name: Picasso TriggerfishScientific name: Rhinecanthus aculeatus
- Common name: Picasso triggerfishScientific name: Rhinecanthus assasi
- Common name: Wedgetail TriggerfishScientific name: Rhinecanthus rectangulus
- Common name: Blackbelly triggerfishScientific name: Rhinecanthus verrucosus
- Common name: Shortnose boxfishScientific name: Rhynchostracion nasus
- Common name: Boomerang triggerfishScientific name: Sufflamen bursa
- Common name: Halfmoon triggerfishScientific name: Sufflamen chrysopterum
- Common name: Masked triggerfishScientific name: Sufflamen fraenatum
- Common name: Gilded triggerfishScientific name: Xanthichthys auromarginatus
- Common name: Outrigger triggerfishScientific name: Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus
- Common name: Blue Line TriggerfishScientific name: Xanthichthys lineopunctatus
- Common name: Blue-throat triggerScientific name: Xanthichthys mento
- Common name: Sargassum triggerfishScientific name: Xanthichthys ringens