
Common name: Hermit Crabs

Scientific name: Paguridae

Paguridae, commonly known as hermit crabs, comprise a family of crustaceans that are notable for their habit of living in secondhand shells. These adaptable creatures are a favorite among reef hobbyists for their scavenging abilities, helping to keep the substrate clean by consuming detritus, leftover food, and decomposing organic matter. They exhibit a wide range of sizes and colors, and their social behavior can be quite entertaining to observe. Hermit crabs are generally peaceful but may fight over shells. It's important to provide a variety of shell sizes to prevent aggression.

  1. Stahorn Hermit Crab with Staghorn Hydrocoral
    Common name: Red Sea Feather Star
    Scientific name: Manucomplanus varians
  2. Common Hermit Crab (Pagurus bernhardus)
    Common name: Common Hermit Crab
    Scientific name: Pagurus bernhardus
  3. Red-stripe Hermit Crab (Phimochirus holthuisi), Cayman Islands
    Common name: Red-stripe Hermit Crab
    Scientific name: Phimochirus holthuisi
  4. Polkadotted Hermit Crab (Phimochirus operculatus)
    Common name: Polkadotted Hermit
    Scientific name: Phimochirus operculatus