
Common name: Stone Sponges

Scientific name: Petrosiidae

The Petrosiidae family, commonly known as Stone Sponges, encompasses a group of marine sponges characterized by their dense and stony texture. These sponges are found in various marine environments, from shallow reefs to deep waters. They are notable for their robust skeletal structure, which is composed of a network of spongin fibers and often reinforced with silica. Stone Sponges can be an interesting addition to a reef aquarium, providing a natural and unique aesthetic. They are filter feeders, helping to maintain water quality by consuming bacteria and particulate matter. However, they require stable water conditions and moderate to strong water flow to thrive.

  1. Texture, background of a red sponge for washing dishes or showering close up, macro
    Common name: Red Sponge
    Scientific name: Neopetrosia exigua
  2. Common name: Rosario's Sponge
    Scientific name: Neopetrosia rosariensis
  3. Nudibranch / Sea slug (Discodoris / Peltodoris atromaculata) feeding on a sponge (Petrosia ficiformis) Cala di Grecu, Lavezzi Islands, Corsica, France, September 2008
    Common name: Poisonous Sponge
    Scientific name: Petrosia ficiformis
  4. Giant Barrel Sponge and Gray Angelfish
    Common name: giant barrel sponge
    Scientific name: Xestospongia muta
  5. Vasenschwamm - Xestospongia testudinaria
    Common name: barrel sponge
    Scientific name: Xestospongia testudinaria