
Common name: Sea Tulips

Scientific name: Polycitoridae

Polycitoridae, commonly known as Sea Tulips, is a family of ascidians or sea squirts found in various marine environments. These sessile invertebrates are filter feeders, using their siphons to draw in water and extract plankton and other nutrients. They are known for their colorful, tulip-like appearance and can add a unique aesthetic to a reef aquarium. However, they require stable water conditions and are sensitive to changes in water quality. They are not aggressive and can coexist with a variety of other marine organisms, making them suitable for community tanks.

  1. Bumble Bee Snail - ( Engina sp. )
    Common name: Bumblebee Snail
    Scientific name: Brevicollus tuberatus
  2. Colony of Urn Ascidian or green barrel sea squirt (Didemnum molle) on the rock, Indian Ocean, Maldives, Asia
    Common name: Green Barrel Sea Squirt
    Scientific name: Eudistoma gilboviride
  3. Common name: Blue Velvet Sea Squirt
    Scientific name: Eudistoma reginum