
Common name: Porcelain Crabs

Scientific name: Porcellanidae

Porcelain crabs belong to the family Porcellanidae, known for their flat, compact bodies and large front claws. They are peaceful, reef-safe invertebrates that often host anemones, forming a mutualistic relationship. Porcelain crabs filter feed, using their feather-like mouthparts to capture plankton from the water. They are a fascinating addition to a reef tank, providing natural behavior observation opportunities. They require stable water conditions and plenty of hiding spaces to thrive in captivity.

  1. scuba diving lembeh indonesia spotted porcelain crab underwater
    Common name: Spotted Porcelain Crab
    Scientific name: Neopetrolisthes maculates
  2. Haig`s Porcelain Crab, Porzellankrabbe auf Seefeder (Porcellanella haigae)
    Common name: banded porcelain crab
    Scientific name: Petrolisthes galathinus