
Common name: Porcelain Crabs

Scientific name: Porcellanidae

Porcelain crabs belong to the family Porcellanidae, known for their flat, compact bodies and large front claws. They are peaceful, reef-safe invertebrates that often host anemones, forming a mutualistic relationship. Porcelain crabs filter feed, using their feather-like mouthparts to capture plankton from the water. They are a fascinating addition to a reef tank, providing natural behavior observation opportunities. They require stable water conditions and plenty of hiding spaces to thrive in captivity.

  1. Spotted Porcelain Crab (Neopetrolisthes maculatus)
    Common name: Spotted Porcelain Crab
    Scientific name: Neopetrolisthes maculates
  2. Banded Porcelain Crab (Petrolisthes galathinus), Conception Island, Bahamas
    Common name: Banded Porcelain Crab
    Scientific name: Petrolisthes galathinus
  3. Haig's Porcelain Crab (Porcellanella haigae), Bali, Indonesia
    Common name: Haig's Porcelain Crab
    Scientific name: Porcellanella haigae
  4. Three-lobed Porcelain Crab (Porcellanella triloba)
    Common name: Three-lobed Porcelain Crab
    Scientific name: Porcellanella triloba