
Common name: Triton's Trumpet Snails

Scientific name: Ranellidae

The Ranellidae family, commonly known as Triton's Trumpet Snails, includes a variety of large predatory marine gastropods. These snails are known for their impressive, spiraled shells and are often sought after by hobbyists for their striking appearance. They play a role in controlling the population of other invertebrates, as they feed on echinoderms, bivalves, and other mollusks. In a reef aquarium, they can be beneficial by preying on crown-of-thorns starfish, a notorious coral predator. However, their predatory nature means they may also target desirable invertebrates, so careful consideration is needed before introducing them to a community tank.

  1. Knobbed Triton (Gutturnium muricinum)
    Common name: Knobbed Triton
    Scientific name: Gutturnium muricinum