
Common name: Sponge family Suberitidae

Scientific name: Suberitidae

Suberitidae is a family of sponges commonly found in marine environments. These sponges are known for their diverse shapes and colors, ranging from encrusting forms to large masses. They often have a firm, yet slightly compressible texture, and can be found attached to rocks or other hard substrates in various depths. Members of this family are important in the reef aquarium hobby for their role in biological filtration, as they feed on bacteria and particulate organic matter, helping to maintain water quality. They are non-aggressive and can coexist with a variety of other marine organisms.

  1. Yellow boring sponge (Cliona celata) being cleaned by sea cucumber Stichopus mollis.
    Common name: Boring Sponge
    Scientific name: Aaptos suberitoides
  2. Hand of an anonymous woman with foam and a yellow sponge
    Common name: Yellow Sponge
    Scientific name: Pseudosuberites andrewsi
  3. Fleshy horny sponge (Suberites carnosus) in Etang de Thau (France)
    Common name: Orange Puffball Sponge
    Scientific name: Suberites carnosus
  4. Orange Suberites Ficus Sea Sponge Underwater, County Dublin
    Common name: sea orange
    Scientific name: Suberites ficus