
Common name: Stonefish

Scientific name: Synanceiidae

The Synanceiidae family, commonly known as Stonefish and Scorpionfish, includes some of the most venomous fish in the world. Members of this family are well-known for their excellent camouflage abilities, often blending seamlessly with their surroundings. They inhabit tropical marine waters and are ambush predators, lying in wait for prey. Their venomous spines can cause severe pain and injury, so caution is advised when keeping them in an aquarium. Despite the risks, they are fascinating creatures that can be kept by experienced aquarists with a focus on safety and species-specific care.

  1. Inimicus filamentosus, also known as the filament-finned stinger, underwater photo into the Red Sea
    Common name: Two-stick stingfish
    Scientific name: Inimicus filamentosus
  2. Madeira rockfish, Scorpaena maderensis
    Common name: Rough stonefish
    Scientific name: Synanceia horrida
  3. A stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa) in marine aquarium
    Common name: Stonefish
    Scientific name: Synanceia verrucosa