
Common name: Pulse Corals

Scientific name: Xeniidae

Xeniidae, commonly known as Pulse Corals or Pulsing Xenia, are a family of soft corals known for their unique pulsing movement. This movement is thought to aid in gas exchange and the removal of waste products. Xeniidae are popular in the reefkeeping hobby due to their ease of care and rapid growth rates. They can be a good choice for beginners, as they are tolerant of a range of water conditions and can often thrive in less-than-perfect tank setups. However, their fast growth can sometimes become a problem, as they can overtake other corals. They host a variety of symbiotic algae, known as zooxanthellae, which provide them with nutrients through photosynthesis.

  1. Giant Anthelia in Red Sea
    Common name: Waving Hand Coral
    Scientific name: Anthelia glauca
  2. Pulsing Xenia (Xenia elongata) growing on rock
    Common name: Pulsing Xenia
    Scientific name: Xenia elongata
  3. Broccoli coral (Litophyton arboreum) and White pulse coral or pulse coral (Xenia umbellata) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Pulsing Xenia
    Scientific name: Xenia umbellata