Common name: Shrimp Goby
Scientific name: Amblyeleotris
Amblyeleotris is a genus of gobies often referred to as Shrimp Gobies due to their unique symbiotic relationship with pistol shrimps. These gobies share burrows with the shrimps, maintaining a lookout for predators while the shrimp maintains the burrow. They are popular in the reefkeeping hobby for their interesting behavior and variety of colors. They require a sandy substrate to mimic their natural environment and are generally peaceful, making them suitable for community tanks. Observing the partnership between shrimp gobies and their crustacean counterparts can be a fascinating aspect of a well-established reef aquarium.
- Common name: Horse-shoe shrimp-gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris arcupinna
- Common name: Pinkbar gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris aurora
- Common name: Diagonal shrimp-gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris diagonalis
- Common name: Shoulder-spot shrimp-gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris downingi
- Common name: Red-barred shrimp-gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris fasciata
- Common name: Giant shrimp-gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris fontanesii
- Common name: Spotted prawn-gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris guttata
- Common name: Barehead gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris gymnocephala
- Common name: Harrison's Shrimp GobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris harrisorum
- Common name: Wide-barred shrimpgodyScientific name: Amblyeleotris latifasciata
- Common name: Neumann's Shrimp GobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris neumanni
- Common name: New Caledonia Shrimp GobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris novaecaledoniae
- Common name: Redspotted shrimpgobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris ogasawarensis
- Common name: Periophthalma prawn-gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris periophthalma
- Common name: Randall's prawn-gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris randalli
- Common name: Volcano shrimpgobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris rhyax
- Common name: Redmargin shrimpgobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris rubrimarginata
- Common name: Steinitz' gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris steinitzi
- Common name: Magnus' gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris sungami
- Common name: Triplespot shrimpgobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris triguttata
- Common name: Gorgeous prawn-gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris wheeleri
- Common name: Flag-tail shrimp-gobyScientific name: Amblyeleotris yanoi