
Common name: Sea Squirt

Scientific name: Ascidiella

Ascidiella is a genus of sessile tunicates commonly known as sea squirts. These ascidians are filter feeders, drawing in water through their incurrent siphon, filtering out plankton and other nutrients, and expelling the filtered water through their excurrent siphon. They are encased in a tough outer tunic, which is a unique feature of the subphylum Tunicata. Ascidiella species are often found attached to substrates in marine environments, from shallow waters to deeper zones. They can be solitary or colonial and are known for their ability to regenerate lost parts. In reef aquariums, they can add a unique aspect to the biodiversity and serve as natural filtration, but they may compete with other sessile organisms for space.

  1. Dirty Sea-squirt or European Sea Squirt (Ascidiella aspersa), Norwegian Sea, Northern Atlantic, Norway, Europe
    Common name: dirty sea-squirt
    Scientific name: Ascidiella aspersa