
Common name: Goby

Scientific name: Asterropteryx

Asterropteryx is a genus of gobies, small to medium-sized fish that are popular in the reefkeeping hobby for their interesting behaviors and compatibility with a wide range of tank mates. Members of this genus are known for their vibrant colors and patterns, which can add visual appeal to any aquarium. They are generally peaceful and can be kept with other non-aggressive fish and invertebrates. Hobbyists appreciate them for their ability to help control algae and detritus, contributing to the tank's cleanliness.

  1. Orange-spotted sleeper goby Valenciennea puellaris
    Common name: Orange-spotted goby
    Scientific name: Asterropteryx bipunctata
  2. Common name: Miller's damsel
    Scientific name: Asterropteryx ensifera
  3. ホシハゼの顔-Asterropteryx semipunctata
    Common name: Starry goby
    Scientific name: Asterropteryx semipunctata
  4. Common name: Eyebar spiny goby
    Scientific name: Asterropteryx spinosa
  5. striped goby fish
    Common name: Striped goby
    Scientific name: Asterropteryx striata