
Common name: Fringelip Blennies

Scientific name: Bathygobius

Bathygobius is a genus of gobies commonly known as Fringelip Blennies, found in tropical and subtropical regions. These small, bottom-dwelling fish are characterized by their fringed lips and ability to adapt to various salinities, making them suitable for brackish and marine aquariums. They exhibit fascinating behaviors such as perching on rocks and corals, and can be a delightful addition to a community tank with peaceful inhabitants. Their diet in captivity should include a variety of meaty foods and they may also accept high-quality flake and pellet foods.

  1. Common name: roundfin goby
    Scientific name: Bathygobius cyclopterus
  2. Dusky frillgoby (Bathygobius fuscus)
    Common name: Brown frillfin
    Scientific name: Bathygobius fuscus