
Common name: Dahlia Anemones

Scientific name: Boloceroides

Boloceroides is a genus of sea anemones known as Dahlia Anemones, named for their resemblance to the dahlia flower. They are characterized by their large, fleshy tentacles and vibrant colors, often found in shades of red, orange, and pink. These anemones are popular in the reefkeeping hobby for their striking appearance and the dynamic element they add to the aquarium. They can form symbiotic relationships with clownfish, providing a protective environment in exchange for food scraps. Dahlia Anemones require stable water conditions and moderate to high lighting to thrive.

  1. Swimming sea anemone in blue water, Boloceroides mcmurrichi
    Common name: Bulb Anemone
    Scientific name: Boloceroides mcmurrichi