
Common name: Paddlefin Wrasse

Scientific name: Brachypterois

Brachypterois is a genus of wrasses known for their distinctive elongated dorsal fins, which resemble paddles, hence the common name Paddlefin Wrasse. These colorful fish are active swimmers and can add both movement and a splash of color to a reef aquarium. They are generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of other reef inhabitants. However, they may show aggression towards conspecifics or similar-looking fish. In the wild, they are found in coral-rich areas of the Indo-Pacific region. Hobbyists should provide them with plenty of hiding places and a diet rich in marine-based proteins.

  1. Shortfin firefish (Dendrochirus brachypterus)
    Common name: Shortfin firefish
    Scientific name: Brachypterois serrulata