
Common name: Orbicular Velvetfish

Scientific name: Caracanthus

Caracanthus is a genus of small, cryptic fish known for their unique appearance and behavior. Members of this genus, such as the Orbicular Velvetfish, are sought after by advanced hobbyists for their ability to blend into reef environments thanks to their velvety skin and muted colors that mimic algae or coral. They are generally peaceful but can be territorial with their own kind. These fish require a well-established aquarium with plenty of hiding places and a mature microfauna population to thrive. They are not recommended for beginners due to their specific care requirements and sensitivity to water quality.

  1. Common name: Spotted coral croucher
    Scientific name: Caracanthus maculatus
  2. Common name: Spotted croucher
    Scientific name: Caracanthus madagascariensis
  3. Common name: Hawaiian orbicular velvetfish
    Scientific name: Caracanthus typicus
  4. Common name: Pygmy coral croucher
    Scientific name: Caracanthus unipinna