
Common name: Ctenogobiops Gobies

Scientific name: Ctenogobiops

Ctenogobiops is a genus of gobies found in tropical marine environments. These small, bottom-dwelling fish are known for their distinctive elongated bodies and ability to blend into their surroundings. They are often found in sandy or rubble substrates where they can burrow or hide from predators. In the aquarium, they require stable water conditions and a well-established tank with plenty of hiding places. They are generally peaceful and can coexist with other non-aggressive tank mates. Their diet in captivity includes small invertebrates and various prepared foods.

  1. Gold-streaked prawn-goby and  Djeddah snapping shrimp
    Common name: Gold-streaked prawn-goby
    Scientific name: Ctenogobiops aurocingulus
  2. Silverspot Shrimpgoby Ctenogobiops crocineus
    Common name: Silverspot shrimpgoby
    Scientific name: Ctenogobiops crocineus
  3. Pale shrimp-goby Ctenogobiops feroculus
    Common name: Sandy-prawn goby
    Scientific name: Ctenogobiops feroculus
  4. Shrimp goby (ctenogobiops maculosus)
    Common name: Saffron shrimp-goby
    Scientific name: Ctenogobiops maculosus
  5. Common name: Spotfin shrimp goby
    Scientific name: Ctenogobiops pomastictus
  6. Common name: Tangaroa shrimp-goby
    Scientific name: Ctenogobiops tangaroai