
Common name: Didemnum Tunicate

Scientific name: Didemnum

Didemnum is a genus of colonial tunicates often found encrusting substrates in reef environments. These organisms are known for their ability to rapidly cover surfaces, including corals and artificial structures. They exhibit a range of colors, typically forming velvety mats. While they can be interesting to observe, Didemnum species can also become invasive, outcompeting native species and potentially harming coral reefs. In an aquarium setting, they should be monitored closely to prevent overgrowth.

  1. Common name: Didemnum conchyliatum
    Scientific name: Didemnum conchyliatum
  2. Common name: Didemnum cuculliferum
    Scientific name: Didemnum cuculliferum
  3. Grüne Riffseescheide - Didemnum molle
    Common name: Urn Ascidian
    Scientific name: Didemnum molle