
Common name: Duncan Coral

Scientific name: Duncanopsammia

Duncanopsammia, commonly known as Duncan Coral, is a genus of large-polyped stony corals popular among reef aquarium enthusiasts. These corals are appreciated for their long, fleshy polyps and vibrant colors, typically ranging from green to pink. They are relatively hardy and can thrive in a variety of lighting conditions, although moderate lighting and water flow are ideal. Duncan Corals are known for their ease of care, making them suitable for beginners. They are also known to reproduce in the home aquarium, which can be a rewarding experience for hobbyists. It's important to provide them with supplemental feedings of microplankton or brine shrimp to ensure their nutritional needs are met.

  1. Big Green polyps of Duncan LPS coral - duncanopsammia axifuga
    Common name: Branched disc coral
    Scientific name: Duncanopsammia axifuga