
Common name: Encrusting Gorgonian

Scientific name: Erythropodium

Erythropodium is a genus of soft corals known as Encrusting Gorgonians. These corals are popular in reef aquariums for their ease of care and ability to spread over rocks, providing a natural, reef-like appearance. They are characterized by their encrusting growth form and can come in a variety of colors, often with a leathery texture. Erythropodium species are photosynthetic and host symbiotic algae known as zooxanthellae, which assist in their nutrition. They are generally hardy and can be a good choice for beginner to intermediate hobbyists.

  1. Parete ricoperta da gorgonie rosse, Paramuricea clavata, in primo piano una spugna gialla incrostante
    Common name: Encrusting Gorgonian
    Scientific name: Erythropodium carybaeorum