
Common name: Sea Pork

Scientific name: Eudistoma

Eudistoma is a genus of colonial tunicates commonly known as Sea Pork due to their resemblance to slabs of pork fat. They are encrusting organisms that can add a unique texture and color to the reef aquarium. These tunicates filter feed on plankton and require moderate to high water flow and good water quality to thrive. They are non-aggressive and can coexist with a variety of tank mates. Eudistoma species often display fascinating behaviors and reproductive strategies, making them a subject of scientific interest as well as an attractive addition for advanced aquarists.

  1. Colony of Urn Ascidian or green barrel sea squirt (Didemnum molle) on the rock, Indian Ocean, Maldives, Asia
    Common name: Green Barrel Sea Squirt
    Scientific name: Eudistoma gilboviride
  2. Common name: Blue Velvet Sea Squirt
    Scientific name: Eudistoma reginum