
Common name: Clown Gobies

Scientific name: Gobiodon

Gobiodon is a genus of small, brightly colored gobies often found in coral reefs. These fish are known for their symbiotic relationships with branching corals like Acropora, which provide them with shelter and protection. In return, the gobies may help to keep the coral free from parasites and algae. They are peaceful and can be kept with other non-aggressive tank mates. Clown Gobies are hardy and suitable for nano reefs due to their small size, but they require stable water conditions and a well-established tank with live rock for hiding and grazing.

  1. Common name: Needlespine coralgoby
    Scientific name: Gobiodon acicularis
  2. Green Clown Goby (Gobiodon atrangulatus)
    Common name: Green Clown Goby
    Scientific name: Gobiodon atrangulatus
  3. Lemon Coral Goby (Gobiodon citrinus) in the Red Sea, Egypt
    Common name: Citrinus Clown Goby
    Scientific name: Gobiodon citrinus
  4. Green clown coral goby - Gobiodon histrio
    Common name: Broad-barred goby
    Scientific name: Gobiodon histrio
  5. Yellow clown goby - Gobiodon okinawae
    Common name: Yellow-speckled cave-goby
    Scientific name: Gobiodon okinawae
  6. Five-lined coral goby Gobiodon quinquestrigatus
    Common name: Five-lined coral goby
    Scientific name: Gobiodon quinquestrigatus
  7. Common name: Rippled coral goby
    Scientific name: Gobiodon rivulatus
  8. Common name: Unicolor coralgoby
    Scientific name: Gobiodon unicolor