
Common name: Slipper Coral

Scientific name: Herpolitha

Herpolitha is a genus of large polyp stony corals commonly known as Slipper Coral or Tongue Coral. These corals are easily recognizable by their elongated, tongue-like shape and are often found in various shades of brown, green, and sometimes with pink or purple tips. They are a popular choice among reef hobbyists due to their hardiness and low to moderate light and flow requirements. Herpolitha species are known to be semi-aggressive and should be given space to expand without coming into contact with other corals. They host symbiotic zooxanthellae which provide them with nutrients through photosynthesis.

  1.  Tongue coral or Slipper coral. Science name: Herpolitha climax. Ie Island,
    Common name: Striate boomerang coral
    Scientific name: Herpolitha limax