
Common name: Elephant Ear Sponge

Scientific name: Ianthella

Ianthella is a genus of marine sponges known for their large, fan-like appearance, resembling an elephant's ear. These sponges are filter feeders, playing a crucial role in maintaining water quality by removing bacteria and organic particles. They are often found in a variety of colors, adding a unique aesthetic to the reef aquarium. Ianthella species require moderate to strong water flow and low to moderate lighting. They are non-aggressive and can be placed near other non-invasive species. It's important to ensure they are not smothered by sediment or algae, as this can inhibit their feeding.

  1. Orange Elephant Ear Sponge (Agelas Clathrodes)
    Common name: elephant ear sponge
    Scientific name: Ianthella basta
  2. Orange Elephant Ear Sponge (Agelas Clathrodes)
    Common name: Elephant Ear Sponge
    Scientific name: Ianthella flabelliformis