
Common name: Devil Scorpionfish

Scientific name: Inimicus

Inimicus is a genus of venomous fish known for their excellent camouflage and ambush predation tactics. They are often referred to as Devil Scorpionfish or Bearded Ghouls due to their menacing appearance. These fish are bottom-dwellers and can blend seamlessly with their surroundings, making them fascinating but also a risky addition to a reef aquarium. They possess venomous spines that can inflict painful wounds, so caution is advised when handling or maintaining an aquarium with these species. Inimicus species are not recommended for beginner aquarists and should only be kept by experienced individuals who can provide the specialized care they require.

  1. Inimicus filamentosus, also known as the filament-finned stinger, underwater photo into the Red Sea
    Common name: Two-stick stingfish
    Scientific name: Inimicus filamentosus