
Common name: Horseshoe Crab

Scientific name: Limulus

The genus Limulus is part of the family Limulidae and includes species commonly known as horseshoe crabs. These ancient marine arthropods are more closely related to spiders and scorpions than to true crabs. They are known for their distinctive, helmet-like carapace and long, pointed tail spine. Horseshoe crabs are benthic creatures, often found in shallow ocean waters on soft sandy or muddy bottoms. They play a crucial role in their ecosystems, serving as food for migratory birds and hosting a variety of symbiotic relationships with small fish and invertebrates. In the aquarium trade, they are a rarity and are valued more for educational purposes than as pets due to their size and specialized care requirements.

  1. Horseshoe Crab
    Common name: Horseshoe crab
    Scientific name: Limulus polyphemus